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Case Study - The Cave Jerusalem


Goal - £200,000

Achieved with VisionX - £205,575




Elul of 2022 had arrived an it was time for ‘The Cave Jerusalem’ to really pull up there socks and get the funding they needed ever-so-desperately.

Since the inception of ‘The Cave’ over 7 years ago - a safe space providing support, therapy and activities for youngsters who have nowhere to go in Israel, All the funds were being scraped together out of the backpocket of Hillel Frickers (the director).

It was time for something to change. Hillel couldnt scrape together anymore money to support these youngsters in desperate need of help.

That is where VisionX came in. The Cave HAD to get more funds otherwise they would have to just shut down.

Hillel approached us in hopes of producing a video that will open the hearts of many people globally from Israel, London, Manchester & any other contacts he had from around the world.

With a few weeks left till the date of the fundraiser we sat down with the board of directors discussing their ideas, motivations and their stories that led them to this point.

Once we had a direction for the video we produced a storyline that resonated with the target audience. We then produced alongside the storyline sets of questions to be asked in interview styled shoots, to evoke all the emotions that we wanted.

The next step was to come in and film the shots we needed. We came to their famous ‘Thursday night chill’ expecting a couple guys and their bowls of cholent, but no! We couldnt believe how many guys were at the event. Hugs were the typical greet along with huge smiles on their faces! Not one guy there looked down.

Immediately we got to work and captured those beautiful moments in time shared by one another. Happiness flooded the air.

One thing led to another and next thing you know, we had finished the final draft of the video!
The board of directors were beyond excided whilst watching their video. They felt an extra push of motivation that they were going to succeed in their first-ever fundraising campaign!

The big day had come. Adrenaline was pumping & the atmosphere tense as for the next 36 hours over 30 guys made sure to make this campaign a success. And low and behold….

….Up on the big screen was a number we all dreamed of for weeks, but the time had finally come.

Not only that but donations still were coming through after they had hit their target.
In total they raised over £5000 more than they aimed for! 

Another great cause had been helped by the team at VisionX!

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